Monday, September 16, 2013

Math Practice

As I am concluding the initial screening of the class, I have found that some of the students are not fluent in their multiplication.  This is crucial for them to be able to master the majority of 4th grade math.  Please make sure you are working on your math facts every night.  Following are links to math games and pages you can print out:

In class students are given 3 minutes to complete 60 problems.  Please work at home with them until this is happening.  We will be doing multiples and factors of numbers in approximately 2 weeks and they MUST know their facts by then.  

It was great meeting each of you at the Open House, I hope you have a better understanding about what you can expect in 4th Grade.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day!

We had a great first day of school.  It was very busy and we didn't even get close to finishing everything I had planned for the day!  We spent the morning learning about what they can expect each morning in 4th grade.  The students were then asked to write a letter to themselves expressing what they are worried about in 4th grade and what they are excited about.  Once that was complete I handed out letters for them from last year's 4th graders.  These letters addressed some of the things that students were worried about and eased some of the new class jitters.  Last year's kids also gave them a hint of things they could look forward to in 4th grade.

We had an all school assembly this afternoon to introduce our Fellowships and the monthly Cantus.  This will replace the Monday Opening that we have had in the past.  We will use this time to issue a new challenge to students based on the 9 Pillars.  September’s Pillar is Responsibility.  Students were given the definition of responsibility and will be competing with the other groups to win the Pillar for their group.  We will also use this time to promote school spirit and a sense of family at Xavier.  We have three fellowships that are named after our philosophy of seeking the good, true and beautiful.   Fourth grade is in the Good Fellowship along with 1st grade, 7th grade and 10th grade.  We will spend time periodically throughout the year getting to know one another, competing in challenges against the other fellowships and working on curriculum related activities.  I am very excited for this program and have hopes of seeing great things come from it.  

Tomorrow promises to be just as busy!  I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!