Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fanatical Factoring Fourth Graders!

Fanatical Factoring Fourth Graders!

Wow!  I am so happy with the accomplishments of our class.  Factoring is a very difficult concept and for the most part our 4th graders rocked it!   We will continue our study of factoring this week by learning about prime and composite numbers, common factors, and then my favorite: finding the missing factor!  I have been known to get so excited about this particular lesson that the whole class misses recess because we are having so much fun in math!  Let’s see if that happens this year. 

We will be learning about Mount Blanc and Mt. Everest this week.  We will be comparing the heights of the mountains we have learned so far and making a graph.  We should finish up and be ready to test on Thursday or Friday.  The next unit will be our geology unit where we will learn about rocks, mountain formations, plate tectonics earthquakes and volcanoes, to name a few things. 

We are moving along in literature with Pollyanna.  I expect to finish it in about three weeks and then we will begin Robin Hood about the same time as we begin the Middle Ages in history.

Our class would like to welcome the newest member of the Xavier Charter School Family, Kyler!  She joined our class on Monday and will be a welcome addition to 4th grade!  We also have a new bundle of joy in Scout’s home!  Welcome to the new baby brother.  I hope you all have a great week, I know we will in 4th grade!

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