Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a fantastic break!   I want to thank everyone for the warm holiday wishes and thoughtful gifts!  My family and I had a very relaxing break and enjoyed a lot of time together.  Although I enjoyed my time off, I was happy to be back at school to welcome each of your children back to 4th grade.

January is a busy time for us and we are already as busy as bees.  Following is an outline of what you can expect to see in the coming weeks:

·         Math:  double digit multiplication

·         Science: Meteorology

o   Students will need to do a daily weather journal.  They are expected to watch the weather forecast each evening, find it online, or read it in the newspaper.  These will be checked each day and should be in your child’s homework section

·         Literature

o   Robin Hood

o   Poetry – Xavier has decided to have a Jr. Poetry Out Loud Contest

§  Each student will be given three poems to choose from and they will be required to memorize and recite the poem in class

§  The Logic and Rhetoric schools participate in this event annually and it is tied to a regional and state competition.  We decided we should extend this incredible event to include our Grammar school at the school level. Be on the look-out for more information.

·         Grammar – types of sentences and irregular verbs

·         Excellence in Writing – addition of quality adjectives to the required dress-ups for essays.

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